High Performance Encryption for GCP

Because GCP network infrastructure is different from AWS and Azure, Aviatrix High Performance Encryption mode for GCP differs from AWS and Azure in the following ways:

  • Only Spoke and Transit Gateway types are supported.

  • Only Multicloud Transit functionality is supported with High Performance Encryption Mode gateways

  • The Advertise Transit VPC Network CIDR(s) feature is not supported with a High Performance Encryption Mode Gateway.

  • GCP High Performance Encryption Mode supports only ActiveMesh 2.0.

For GCP High Performance Encryption, MTU is 1460 and MSS is 1330 bytes.

Subnet Prefix Length for GCP High Performance Encryption Mode

For GCP High Performance Encryption, the gateway subnet prefix length cannot be greater than /24.

Aviatrix highly recommends that customers utilize a subnet exclusively for deploying High Performance Encryption enabled gateway without any other instances in the subnet.