CoPilot Settings You Can Enable in Controller

Associating Controller with CoPilot

By default, the CoPilot instances are associated with your Controller after CoPilot deployment. However, if for some reason your Controller loses its association with CoPilot, you can perform the following steps to associate Controller with your CoPilot instance.

  1. From Controller UI, go to SETTINGS > CoPilot > CoPilot Association and check whether your Controller is associated with CoPilot.

    When “Status” is switched to Enabled, the CoPilot with the "IP Address/Hostname" you specify is associated with the Controller. If it is not enabled, continue with the steps below to enable the association.

  2. Enter the public or private IP address or the hostname of your CoPilot instance.

    • The IP address specified here is used for connectivity between the Controller and CoPilot for intra-platform communication (such as API message exchanges).

    • If Copilot is located in the same VPC/VNet as your Controller, specifying a private IP can increase bandwidth and potentially save on cost.

  3. For Public IP (Optional), if you specified the private IP address of your CoPilot instance in "IP Address/Hostname", you can optionally enter the public IP address of your CoPilot instance here.

    The public IP address is used for external administration access to CoPilot, used for switching between Controller and CoPilot (for your browser to open a new tab when opening CoPilot from the Controller app icon). If this field is blank, the IP address specified in “IP Address/Hostname” is used for administration access to CoPilot.

Enabling Controller to Manage CoPilot Security Groups

The CoPilot Security Group Management feature in Controller is available starting from Controller release 6.8. The feature is available for AWS and Azure CSPs and is enabled by default.

If Security Group Management needs to be disabled or re-enabled, you can do so from the Controller UI or from the CoPilot UI.

To enable the CoPilot Security Group Management feature from the Controller:

  1. In your Controller UI, go to Settings > CoPilot > CoPilot Security Group Management and set the slider to Enabled.

  2. Enter the CoPilot private IP address in the IP Address/Hostname field, its public IP address in the Public IP (Optional) field, and click Save.

  3. On the same page, for CoPilot Security Group Management, verify the slider is set to Enabled.

  4. In Cloud Type, select the CSP in which your CoPilot is deployed (AWS or Azure).

  5. In Access Account Name, select the Controller account.

  6. In Region, select the region in which your CoPilot is deployed.

  7. In VPC ID, select the ID of the VPC/VNet in which your CoPilot is located.

  8. In CoPilot Instance, select the ID of the CoPilot instance for which you want the Controller to manage security groups.

    You can log in to the CSP portal to obtain the instance ID of the CoPilot instance.

    After you select the VPC in the previous step, all the instances (virtual machines) in that VPC are shown in the drop-down menu. From that drop-down list, you can identify the CoPilot instance (VM) that was created on the CSP environment.

  9. Click SAVE.