ActiveMesh 2.0

ActiveMesh 2.0 is a new iteration of ActiveMesh. The main advancement of ActiveMesh 2.0 is its deterministic nature of Next Hop selection.

Here is how Aviatrix Transit Gateway routing engine treats the following types of routes.

Networks Route Type Aviatrix Transit Gateway Route Propagation

Local TGW attached VPC/VNet CIDR



Aviatrix Spoke gateway associated VPC/VNet CIDR



Azure Native Spoke associated VNet CIDR



Local TGW VPN dynamically learned network CIDR


Advertises TGW VPN ASN and its remote peer ASN to a remote BGP peer if it’s the best route.

Local TGW DXGW learned network CIDR


Advertises TGW DXGW ASN and its remote peer ASN to a remote BGP peer if it’s the best route.

Remote Aviatrix Transit Gateway Peering learned routes


Advertises remote Aviatrix peer’s network CIDRs to a remote BGP peer if it’s the best route.

Aviatrix Transit Gateway BGP learned from on-prem


Advertises to its remote peers by Aviatrix Transit Gateway peering if it’s the best route.

Aviatrix Transit Gateway statically learned from on-prem



Aviatrix Transit Gateway associated VPC/VNet CIDR



Local Firewall Egress route (



Aviatrix Transit Gateway SNAT IP address



With this approach, there is more visibility on learned routes regarding what paths the routes are learned from.

The next hop best path selection follows the priorities listed below.

  1. Local

  2. Shortest number of ASN list

  3. For two identical length ASN routes, selects the next hop with the lowest Metric Value.

  4. For two identical ASN length and Metric Value routes, if ECMP is disabled (this is the default configuration), selects the current best route. If there is no current best route, the next hop IP addresses are compared, the lower integer IP address is selected.

  5. For two identical ASN length and Metric Value routes, if ECMP is enabled, traffic is distributed to both routes using ECMP.

Migrating to ActiveMesh 2.0

There are 3 scenarios:

Deployment Notes ActiveMesh 2.0 Migration

Non ActiveMesh deployment

The Aviatrix Transit Gateway in the deployment has been launched before Release 5.1 (10/1/2019)

See Migrating from Classic Aviatrix Encrypted Transit Network to Aviatrix ActiveMesh Transit Network.

ActiveMesh 1.0 deployment

The Aviatrix Transit Gateway was launched with ActiveMesh option enabled prior to Release 6.0

Migrate to ActiveMesh 2.0 by going to Settings > Maintenance > Migration > ActiveMesh 2.0 Migration, click Migrate.

ActiveMesh 2.0 deployment

The Aviatrix Transit Gateway was launched with ActiveMesh enabled after Release 6.0

ActiveMesh 2.0 is automatically enabled for brand new deployment on Controller.