Using the Aviatrix CoPilot Audit Page

The Audit page in Aviatrix CoPilot helps you monitor user activity in your Aviatrix Platform. Use this page to review common user actions and results.

This page displays information from the Aviatrix Controller Command Logs page. The Actions listed are Controller API calls. Note that this page does not currently record actions taken in Aviatrix CoPilot.

To use the Audit page:

  1. Go to Aviatrix CoPilot > Administration > Audit.

  2. Use the Time Period menus and Filter field to filter your search.

Top 5 Actions

This chart lists the five most frequent actions, or Aviatrix Controller API calls, and the number of times this action was taken.

Top 5 Users

This table lists the top five users who take account actions, and how many actions each user took recently.

Actions by Time

This line graph lists the number of actions taken within the last hour and how many actions were taken at each time. Note that this graph, like all CoPilot functions, operates in the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone.

List of Actions

This table lists the most recent actions in your account. Click the Download icon to download this list in CSV format.




The date and time of the action in UTC.


The action taken. See the "Top Five Actions" section above for a list of actions and their definitions.


The name of the user who took the action.


Whether the action was a Success or Failure.


The reason given for an action.


A summary of the action that provides more information about it, such as the name of the account involved.