Exploring Costs by CSP

The Explore tab is accessed in CoPilot by navigating to Billing & Cost > Aviatrix Billing > Explore. Use this tab to break down your costs in each CSP (Cloud Service Provider). This page offers data visualization and drilldown so that you can see more granular data.

  • Use the Time Period options at the top to change the time period covered in your view.

  • Use the Download button to export data from this tab in an CSV spreadsheet.

Viewing the CSP Cost Graph

The Cost Graph is accessible from Billing & Cost > Aviatrix Billing > Explore.

This tiled graph represents your account’s cost in each CSP by using the size of a tile to visually compare each cost to other network costs. Click on any tile to drill down further on the cost for each CSP.

Tile Name Description

Drill Down to Region

When you click on any tile, the graph zooms in and uses a new set of tiles to represent the cost of each region in which your accounts are located in this CSP.

Drill Down to VPC/VNet

Click on one of the region titles to drill down to a deeper level of data and see the costs for each VPC or VNet in that region.

Drill Down to Gateways

Click on one of the VPC/VNet tiles to see the costs for the primary and, if relevant, HA gateways in this VPC/VNet.

To drill up from any level, select the level you want to review from the breadcrumbs above the graph. For example, select a level in Cost > OCI > us-ashburn-1 > copilot-oci-use-t1 to see that level of detail.

In each level of drilldown, see the table on the right side of the page to view associated cost and the relative cost.

Name Cost Rel %

The name of the component in each level of drill down: CSP, region, VPC/VNet, or gateway.

The cost in dollars for this component.

The percent cost of this component out of the total cost of all components in this level of drilldown. For example, the cost of your accounts in this CSP out of costs for your whole network, or the cost of this VPC/VNet out of all VPCs/VNets in this region. This column should sum to 100%.