Creating AWS VPC Peering Connection

The Aviatrix Controller integrates native AWS VPC peering to create a peering connection between two VPCs to enable traffic flow between the VPCs privately.

  • A VPC peering connection can be created between VPCs within the same AWS region (intra-region) or across AWS regions (inter-region), where it is available.

  • A VPC peering connection can be created between VPCs in the same AWS account or in different AWS accounts.

Aviatrix simplifies how to create VPC peering by integrating requester and acceptor and route table programming into one step. You can also decide which route table participates in the AWS VPC Peering.

The following limitations apply.

  • You cannot create a peering connection between VPCs that have matching or overlapping CIDRs.

  • Transitive peering is not possible with VPC peering.

To create an AWS VPC Peering connection:

  1. In CoPilot, navigate to Connectivity > Native Peering tab, and click + Native Peering.

  2. For Cloud type, select AWS, you can use the dropdown menu to select Standard, GovCloud, or China.

  3. From the VPC/VNet 1 dropdown menu, select the VPC you want to peer.

    The VPC list shows the Region and VPC ID for each VPC.

  4. You can choose to build the peering for all VPC CIDRs or select custom route tables.

    • To build the peering for all VPC CIDRs, leave Select Route Tables switch Off next to the selected VPC.

    • To select custom route tables, turn Select Route Tables switch On, and from Select Route Tables dropdown menu, select the route tables(s) to peer.

  5. Do the same for the other VPC with which to create the peering.

    1. From the VPC/VNet 2 dropdown menu, select another VPC to peer with.

      • To build the peering for all VPC CIDRs, leave Select Route Tables switch Off next to the selected VPC.

      • To select custom route tables, turn Select Route Tables switch On, and from Select Route Tables dropdown menu, select the route tables(s) to peer.

  6. Click Save.

The new AWS VPC Peering connection appears in the table. The name for the peering connection is auto-generated by CoPilot. You can use the filter to display additional connection settings.

You can click the peering connection name to display VPC details. The details for VPC 1 and VPC 2 are shown in their respective columns.

To delete a peering connection, you can click the Delete icon on the details page or on the Native Peering page to the right of the peering connection name.