PSIRT Advisories

The Aviatrix Product Security Team continually tests the software product, looking for vulnerabilities and weaknesses. If you have a security issue to report, please open a support ticket on the Aviatrix Support Portal. Any such findings are fed back to Aviatrix’s development teams and serious issues are described along with protective solutions in the advisories below.

Please note the below Aviatrix Security recommendations and communication plans:

  • Aviatrix strongly recommend customers stay on the latest release to resolve features and bug issues. All fixes are in the new release; we do not patch older release versions.

  • Customers are strongly recommended to perform image migration 2x a year. The migration process provides the latest system level security patch.

  • All known software vulnerabilities are submitted to Mitre for CVE-ID references by Aviatrix Systems.

  • Aviatrix publishes Field Notices and send alerts to Controller Admin in the Controller console when security related issues are published.

Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in Aviatrix Controllers

Date 01/07/2025

Risk Rating: CVSS 9.9 (Critical) for Aviatrix Controllers AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H

Description: A vulnerability could allow an unauthenticated user to execute arbitrary command against Aviatrix Controllers. Aviatrix has seen indications that bad actors are attempting to exploit this vulnerability, and strongly recommends that you take action to protect your controllers.

Impact: A successful attack would allow arbitrary commands to be executed on the controller by an unauthenticated user.

Affected Products: All supported versions of Aviatrix Controller prior to 7.2.4996 or 7.1.4191

Solution: Install security patch CVE-2024-50603 - Critical Vulnerability Security Patch or update the Controller to either 7.1.4191 or 7.2.4996. Additionally, Aviatrix recommends following the Controller IP Access guidance and ensuring that the controller does not have port 443 exposed to the Internet.

To apply the patch, follow the standard procedure for Applying a Security Patch.

In certain circumstances the patch is not fully persistent across controller upgrades and must be re-applied, even if the controller status is displayed as “Patched”. These circumstances are:

  • The patch was first applied to a version prior to 7.1.4191 or 7.2.4996.

  • The Controller is subsequently updated to a version prior to 7.1.4191 or 7.2.4996.

  • The Controller does not have an associated CoPilot running version 4.16.1 or greater.

Acknowledgment: Aviatrix would like to thank Jakub Korepta of SecuRing for the responsible disclosure of this vulnerability. His technical writeup can be found at

Aviatrix Egress FQDN Firewall Security Misconfiguration

Date 04/02/2024

CVE # CVE-2023-52087

Risk Rating 5.5 (Medium) AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N


Aviatrix discovered a security issue related to the Aviatrix Egress FQDN Firewall. In prior releases, the firewall would ALLOW traffic on TLS ports for non-TLS traffic or for TLS traffic which did not have SNI headers.

The current release will change the default behavior to DENY for non-TLS traffic.

This is a breaking change from prior releases, so be sure to see the Solutions section of this advisory if this functionality must be preserved.


Packets that should be blocked by the Egress FQDN Firewall will be allowed through unexpectedly.

Affected Products

All versions before:

  • 7.1.3006

  • 7.0.2239

  • 6.9.822

  • 6.8.1826


If you require allowing non-TLS traffic egress over HTTPS port, perform the following:

  • Aviatrix Controller > Security > Egress Control > 3. Egress FQDN Filer > Global Config (CLICK).

  • ENABLE "non-TLS traffic over HTTPS port" under Global Settings. For release 7.0.2239 and 7.1.3006 this can be done from the Controller UI. For release 6.9.822 or 6.8.1826 this cannot be done from the UI.

  • If you choose to revert back to the old default behavior in release 6.9.822 or 6.8.1826, please contact Aviatrix Support who can help you toggle to ALLOW for this feature.

Since the non-TLS traffic using HTTPS port (tcp/443) is not logged in the syslog messages, there is no way to detect (in prior releases) this kind of traffic on the Aviatrix Controller/CoPilot UI.

Aviatrix Egress FQDN Firewall High-Availability Security Misconfiguration

Date 04/02/2024

CVE # CVE-2023-52087

Risk Rating 5.5 (Medium) AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N


If an Aviatrix Egress FQDN HA gateway is launched after an Egress FQDN tag is attached to the main gateway, then the HA gateway is launched in non-enforcing mode. The non-enforcing setting is clearly visible on the Controller UI. In this configuration, when the primary drops, the secondary will not enforce as expected.


The secondary Egress FQDN Firewall may come up in non-enforcing mode. This will potentially allow traffic through the Egress FQDN Firewall unexpectedly.

Affected Products

All versions before:

  • 7.1.3006

  • 7.0.2239

  • 6.9.822

  • 6.8.1826


  • If you are running affected Aviatrix software releases and have existing HA Egress Firewall Gateways, temporarily remove the Egress FQDN Filter tag from the primary gateway and then re-add it.

  • If you are running affected Aviatrix software releases and creating new HA Egress Firewall Gateways, create the HA gateway before assigning an Egress FQDN Filter tag.

  • The latest Aviatrix software revisions have resolved this issue and no action is needed.

Remote Code Execution

Date 05/27/2022

Description Several vulnerabilities could be combined by an attacker to abuse a Gateway command mechanism that would allow arbitrary remote code execution. This vulnerability is not known to be exploited.

Impact An unauthenticated attacker to run arbitrary commands against Aviatrix gateways.

Affected Products Aviatrix Controller and Gateways.

Solution: Upgrade your controller and gateway software to:
  • 6.4.3057

  • 6.5.3233

  • 6.6.5612

  • 6.7.1185

Post-Auth Remote Code Execution

Date 04/11/2022

Risk Rating High

Description TLDAP APIs contain functions that are inappropriately sanitized, and would allow an authenticated malicious user to inject arbitrary commands.

Impact A local user to the controller UI could execute arbitrary code.

Affected Products Aviatrix Controller.

Solution: Upgrade your controller and gateway software to:
  • 6.4.3049

  • 6.5.3166

  • 6.6.5545

Aviatrix Controller and Gateways - Privilege Escalation

Date 02/03/2022

Risk Rating Medium

Description The publicly disclosed CVE-2021-4034 and CVE-2022-0185 are local privilege escalation vulnerabilities disclosed in the past two weeks. When successfully executed, an attack exploiting these vulnerabilities can cause a local privilege escalation giving unprivileged users administrative rights on the target machine. The Aviatrix Gateway, Controller, and Copilot are all running vulnerable versions of the Linux packages. However, in order to successfully exploit these vulnerabilities, an attacker requires local access to our systems and no vulnerability known to us today would allow such attack.

Impact A local user to our appliances can escalate his privileges to root.

Affected Products Aviatrix Controller and Gateways.

  • Upgrade Copilot to Release 1.6.3.

  • Apply security patch [AVI-2022-0001 - CVE-2021-4034 and CVE-2022-0185 Privilege Escalation Patches] to controllers.

Aviatrix Controller and Gateways - Unauthorized Access

Date 11 Nov 2022

Risk Rating High for Gateways, medium for Controller.

Description On the Aviatrix Controller, a successful attack would allow an unauthenticated remote attacker partial access to configuration information and allow them to disrupt the service. On the gateway, a successful attack would allow an unauthenticated network-adjacent attacker (i.e.: an attacker present on the gateway’s VPC) access to its API.

Impact Access to configuration information and disruption of service.

Affected Products Aviatrix Controller, Gateways and Copilot.

Solution Upgrade your controller and gateway software to
  • 6.4.2995 or later.

  • 6.5.2898 or later.