OpenVPN + FQDN Filter Solution

1. Solution Overview

This solution provides how to deploy a network topology to filter OpenVPN user traffic by fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

2. Configuration Workflow

2.1 Pre Configuration Checklist

Before configuring this solution, users need to make sure the following prerequisites are completed.

Pre Configuration Check List

  1. Deploy the Aviatrix Controller

  2. Create AWS VPC with two public subnets in a same AZ for Aviatrix OpenVPN gateway and Aviatrix Egress gateway.

These prerequisites are explained in detail below.

Deploy the Aviatrix Controller

The Aviatrix Controller must be deployed and setup prior to deploy Aviatrix Gateways. Please refer to "Aviatrix Controller Getting Started Guide for AWS" on how to deploy the Aviatrix Controller.

Check and make sure you can access the Aviatrix Controller dashboard and login with an administrator account. The default URL for the Aviatrix Controller is:

https://<public ip of Aviatrix Controller>

2.1.b Create AWS VPC with two public subnets in a same AZ for Aviatrix OpenVPN gateway and Aviatrix Egress gateway.

  • Create 1 VPC with CIDR such as

  • In the VPC, create 2 public subnets in a same Availability Zone such as and The public subnet means that it must be associated with a route table whose default route points to IGW.

  • In the VPC, create multiple private subnets if needed.

Configuration Steps

Make sure the pre-configuration steps in the previous section are completed before proceeding.

The instructions in this section will use the following architecture. The CIDR and subnets may vary depending on your VPC setup; however, the general principals will be the same.


2.2.a Deploy Aviatrix Egress Gateway ------------------------------

The first step is to deploy Aviatrix Egress Gateway in the Public Subnet2


a.1. Login to the Aviatrix Controller Console

a.2. Create Aviatrix Egress Gateway in Public Subnet2 of VPC

a.3. Click on Gateway → "New Gateway"

Setting Value

Cloud Type

Choose AWS

Gateway Name

This name is arbitrary (e.g. egress-gw)

Account Name

Choose the account name


Choose the region of VPC


Choose the VPC ID of VPC

Public Subnet

Select a public subnet where the gateway will be deployed (e.g.

Gateway Size

t2.micro is fine for testing

Enable SNAT

Check this box (IMPORTANT)

VPN Access

Uncheck this box

Designated Gateway

Uncheck this box

Allocate New EIP

Check this box

Save Template

Uncheck this box

a.4. Click “OK�. It will take a few minutes for the gateway to deploy. Do not proceed until the gateway is deployed.

a.5. Refer Aviatrix FQDN documents to set up Egress Filter rules and enable Egress Control function

For HA topology, see Aviatrix Single AZ HA

2.2.b Deploy Aviatrix OpenVPN Gateway ------------------------------

The second step is to deploy Aviatrix OpenVPN Gateway in the Public Subnet1


b.1. Create Aviatrix VPN Gateway in Public Subnet1 of VPC (note that OpenVPN Gateway is in a different subnet of Egress Gateway but both are in the same AZ)

b.2. Click on Gateway → "New Gateway"

Setting Value

Cloud Type

Choose AWS

Gateway Name

This name is arbitrary (e.g. openvpn-gw)

Account Name

Choose the account name


Choose the region of VPC


Choose the VPC ID of VPC

Public Subnet

Select the public subnet where the OpenVPN gateway will be deployed (e.g.

Gateway Size

t2.micro is fine for testing.

Enable SNAT

Uncheck this box (IMPORTANT)

Designated Gateway

Uncheck this box

Allocate New EIP

Check this box

VPN Access

Check this box

Advanced Options

Check this box

Enable SAML

Uncheck this box



MFA Authentication

Optional (Disable is fine for testing)

Max Connections

100 is fine for testing

Split Tunnel Mode


Enable ELB


ELB Name

Leave blank is fine for testing

Enable Client Cert. Sharing


Enable PBR

Check this box

PBR Subnet

Select the subnet where Aviatrix Egress Gateway is located (e.g.

PBR Default Gateway

Select the private IP of Aviatrix Egress Gateway (e.g.

NAT Translation Logging

Uncheck this box

Enable LDAP

Optional (Uncheck this box is fine for testing)

Save Template

Uncheck this box

b.3. Click “OK�. It will take a few minutes for the gateway to deploy. Do not proceed until the gateway is deployed.

  1. This solution needs the function "Full Tunnel Mode" be enabled on Aviatrix OpenVPN Gateway.

  2. For Aviatrix OpenVPN GW scalability topology, any new Aviatrix OpenVPN gateways need to be added in the same AZ.

  3. PBR function and other OpenVPN functions can be modified on the page "OpenVPN® → Edit Config" after Aviatrix OpenVPN GW is launched. Aviatrix OpenVPN® FAQs

2.2.c Create an OpenVPN® user

This step explains how to create a OpenVPN® user.


c.1. From the Aviatrix Controller Console

c.2. Click OpenVPN® → VPN Users

c.3. Click button "+Add New"

Setting Value


Choose the VPC ID of VPC

LB/Gateway Name

Choose the ELB in VPC

User Name

This name is arbitrary (ex. vpn-user)

User Email

Email address


Uncheck this box is fine for the testing

c.4. Click button "OK"

c.5. Check your email to receive an ovpn file

c.6. Done

3. OpenVPN FQDN solution POC

This step proofs how this solution works.


  1. Set up a whitelist rule with Domain Name "*", Protocol "tcp", and Port "443" in Egress FQDN Filter

  2. Enable Egress filter function on Aviatrix Egress gateway

  3. Enable an OpenVPN® client tool

  4. Establish an OpenVPN® connection with the ovpn file which has received in email

  5. Confirm that the access to via port 443/80 works properly

5.1. Issue CLI #wget on your host machine where you established the OpenVPN session

5.2. It should access and download the index.html to your host machine

  1. Confirm that the access to via port 443/80 does not work

6.1. Issue CLI #wget on your host machine where you established the OpenVPN session

6.2. It should not able to access

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