VPN User Accelerator

The VPN User Accelerator leverages the AWS Global Accelerator to connect VPN users to the nearest AWS Edge location access point and traverse the AWS backbone to the VPN Gateway.


When this feature is enabled, the VPN user source address is masked out by AWS.

To configure:

  1. First launch a VPN Gateway by following the instructions.

  2. After the VPN is set up, an AWS NLB should be displayed on the left side panel, highlight it and click Add. Then click OK, as shown below.

User Accelerator

  1. From this point on, you can add VPN users which will use the new User Accelerator.

  • The new User Accelerator will reflect on the ovpn file’s remote field.

  • For pre-existing users, the ovpn file has to be re-downloaded in order for AWS Global Accelerator to be reflected as the new remote endpoint.

OVPN File with User Accelerator OFF:


OVPN File with User Accelerator ON:

OVPN Using User Accelerator

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