Troubleshooting Spoke VPC/VNet and On-Prem Connection
There are many reasons why an instance in a Spoke VPC/VNet cannot communicate with an on-prem host or VM. The following troubleshooting steps may be helpful.
Make sure the connection between VGW and Transit GW is up.
Make sure the CIDR of the on-prem problem subnet (where VM or host is not reachable from a Spoke VPC/VNet instance) is propagated to Spoke VPC/VNet, that is, make sure Spoke VPC/VNet where the problem instance is deployed has connectivity to the problem subnet in on-prem network.
Run traceroute by using an Aviatrix gateway as a test EC2. Launch a t2.micro instance Aviatrix Gateway from the Gateway at the navigation bar (this gateway is going to be used as a test EC2 instance). Once this gateway is launched, you can run a traceroute from this gateway (test EC2 instance) to the on-prem problem VM. (When the test is done, remember to delete the gateway to conserve consumption.)
Do a traceroute from the on-prem problem VM or host to the Aviatrix Gateway test EC2 launched from the above steps.
You can do a packet capture by going to Troubleshoot > Diagnostics > PACKET CAPTURE. Select the right tunnel interface and run packet capture.
If the above tests pass, you should check security group settings on the instance and the destination VM.