About Gateway Keepalive

The keepalive template is a global configuration on the Controller for all gateways.

The gateway sends periodic keepalive messages to the Controller. The following templates can be used to control how frequently gateways send keepalives and how often the Controller processes these messages, which in turn will determine how quickly the Controller can detect gateway state changes.

Template name Gateway sends keepalive Controller runs health checks


every 3 seconds

every 7 seconds


every 12 seconds

every 1 minute


every 1 minute

every 5 minute

Medium is the default configuration.

A gateway is considered to be in UP state if controller receives at least 2 (out of a possible 5) messages from that gateway between two consecutive health checks.

For Fast configuration, the Controller determines the gateway state on 2 samples, so the gateway failure detection time is between 7 seconds and 14 seconds.

For example, with medium setting, gateway down detection time is between 1 minute plus 36 seconds to 2 minutes.