About Aviatrix Edge Gateway Settings

The following are the configuration settings for launching an Aviatrix Edge Gateway.

Site ID

Aviatrix Edge uses Site ID to identify an Edge location and Edge Gateway pair. This allows to group multiple Edge Gateways at the same Edge location using the same Site ID. Multiple Edge Gateways can be grouped and deployed in Active-Active or Active-Standby mode.

Follow these guidelines to decide whether to use an existing Site ID or create a new one.

  • Use an existing Site ID if:

    • You want to have Active-Standby on 2 Edge Gateways (assign the same Site ID).

    • You want to have ECMP on multiple Edge Gateways (assign the same Site ID).

  • Edge Gateways with the same Site ID:

    • Can only join the same domain.

    • Can have the same or different local ASN.

    • Need to have FireNet traffic inspection configured per site.

  • If you want to configure FireNet management on the Edge Gateway, you need to configure it per site.

  • When multiple Edge Gateways are attached to a common transit, the transit will propagate routes from Edge Gateways with the same Site ID to other Edge Gateways with a different Site ID but will not propagate routes from the Edge Gateways to other Edge Gateways with the same Site ID.

ZTP File Type

Zero-Touch Provisioning (ZTP) enables network engineers to remotely deploy and provision network devices at remote locations.

ISO ZTP file is supported for VMWare ESXi deployments.

cloud-init ZTP file is supported for open-source Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) deployments.

The following cloud-init modules have been verified for Edge Gateway deployments: users, write_files, and chpasswd.

Edge Gateway Interfaces

WAN Interface

The network interface to connect to the Aviatrix Transit Gateway. Requires a default gateway and Layer 3 reachability to Transit Gateway Private or Public IP.

LAN Interface

The network interface to connect to the LAN network. Requires a BGP session with LAN Router.

Management Interface

The network interface to connect to the Aviatrix Controller. Requires a default gateway, DNS access and Internet access to Aviatrix Controller, Aviatrix software download, and tracelog upload.


When deploying multiple Edge Gateways, you have the option to use Active-Active mode or Active-Standby mode for connectivity between Edge Gateways and Transit Gateways.

Active-Active Edge

In Active-Active mode, all Edge-to-Transit connections perform load sharing and transit the traffic.

Active-Active mode can support more than 2 Edge Gateways. While there is no maximum number of Edge Gateways, Aviatrix recommends a maximum of 4.

Active-Standby Edge

Active-Standby mode provides the flexibility on Aviatrix Transit Gateways and Aviatrix BGP Spoke Gateways to connect to on-prem with only one active peering and one backup/standby peering.

  • The Active-Standby Preemptive setting is per site or location and is decided when you create the first Edge Gateway for that site. You cannot choose a different setting when you add more Edge Gateways to that site. For more information about preemptive and non-preemptive active-standby modes, see Active-Standby.