Preparing Your Account in OCI

  1. Create an OCI account if you do not already have one.

  2. Set up your compartment. Although you can use default account and root compartment, it is recommended that you follow this doc to create your own user, group, and compartment with the right policy. For more details, refer to Setting Up Your Tenancy.

  3. Create a VCN that has Internet access by navigating to Networking > Virtual Cloud Networks in the OCI console. Then, click Create Virtual Cloud Network and select create virtual cloud network plus related resources.

  4. Alternatively, if you want to create a VCN with your own CIDR, select create virtual cloud network only. Continue to create a subnet and Internet gateway. Then, add a default route in the VCN default routing table to point to the newly created Internet gateway. This is to grant Internet access to the Controller inside of this VCN.