Prerequisites for a Transit Network in AWS

Setting up a transit network in AWS is simple with the Aviatrix Transit Network Workflow. Before getting started with this workflow, make sure you have the following:

  • Transit VPC: This is a VPC where your spokes will connect to transit to your on-premise environment. When setting up a new transit network architecture, this VPC is typically a new VPC.

  • Detached Virtual Private Gateway (VGW): This VGW is detached from any VPC and will remain detached. It is (or will be) connected to your on-premise environment via a Direct Connect or VPN connection.

  • Spoke VPCs: These VPCs will make up the spoke(s) of the transit network.

Transit Plus Spoke

Transit VPC

The following AWS components should be created when setting up the transit VPC:

  • An internet gateway (IGW) [igw-transit] for the VPC.

  • A route table [rt-transit-pub] with a route pointing to igw-transit.

  • One subnet with rt-transit-pub attached.

  • (Optional - HA) One subnet with rt-transit-pub attached in a different AZ.

Use Useful Tools → Create a VPC to create a transit VPC. Make sure the option "Aviatrix Transit VPC" is selected.

Virtual Private Gateway (VGW)

Create a new VGW that will terminate your Direct Connect VIF or VPN connection to on-prem. Leave this VGW detached (it will be attached as part of the Transit Network Workflow).

Spoke VPC(s)

The following AWS components should be created for each spoke VPC:

  • An internet gateway (IGW) [igw-spoke-1] for the VPC.

  • A route table [rt-spoke-1-pub] with a route pointing to igw-spoke-1.

  • One subnet with rt-spoke-1-pub attached.

  • (Optional - HA) One subnet with rt-spoke-1-pub attached in a different AZ.

  • Any number of private subnets in any AZ in the VPC.

Additional Information