How to Connect Office to Multiple AWS VPCs with AWS Peering

This document describes a common use case where a customer needs to connect her on-prem office to a group of VPCs securely so that developers can connect to the instances in VPC and work on applications.

In this case, the customer does not want to build an IPSEC tunnel to each VPC, nor does she want to build a full-blown Global Transit Network.

Simple Transit

Fortunately since traffic is always initiated from the on-prem office as there are no servers in the office, there is a simple solution to connect many VPCs with one single IPSEC tunnel by leveraging the Aviatrix Site2Cloud feature and AWS Peering.

Below are the steps to configure.

Planning and Prerequisites

  1. If you have not launched an Aviatrix Controller, start with the Aviatrix AWS startup guide.

  2. If this is your first time using Aviatrix, make sure you go through the Aviatrix Controller on-boarding process.

1. Launch a gateway in the transit VPC

Go to the Gateway page to launch a gateway in the transit VPC that servers to move traffic between a Spoke VPC and on-prem network. The gateway must be launched on a public subnet where its associated route table has a route that points to AWS IGW.


Make sure you enable NAT when launch the gateway in the transit vpc.

Setting Value

Cloud Type


Gateway Name


Account Name





transit VPC ID

Public Subnet

The public subnet where the transit GW instance is deployed

Gateway Size

GW instance size

Specify a Reachable DNS Server IP Address Enable NAT check

Leave it unselected

Add/Edit Tags

Additional AWS Tags for the Transit GW instance

Below is a screenshot of the setup. Note that NAT is enabled.

Simple Transit GW Launch

2. Setup a Site2Cloud tunnel to on-prem office

After the gateway is launched successfully, go to Site2Cloud to create a new IPSEC tunnel between the transit VPC and on-prem office.

Setting Value

VPC ID/VNet Name

transit vpc in the drop down

Connection Type


Connection Name

a unique name to identify the connection

Remote Gateway Type

select one type from a drop down

Tunnel Type

select UDP


leave it unchecked

Encryption over ExpressRoute/DX

leave it unchecked

Enable HA

leave it unchecked

Primary Cloud Gateway

select the transit gateway launched in step 1

Remote Gateway IP Address

the public IP address of the on-prem firewall device

Pre-shared Key

leave it unchecked

Remote Subnet

the on-prem office CIDR list separated by comma

Local Subnet

all spoke VPC CIDR list separated by comma

Save Template

leave it unchecked

Below is a screenshot of the setup. Note that the local subnet is a list of all Spoke VPC CIDRs.

Transit to On-Prem

3. Download the Configuration Template

After the above Site2Cloud connection is created, select the connection. Select a Vendor Generic if the on-prem firewall device is not Aviatrix nor Cisco. Click Download Configuration.

Download S2C Config

After you download the IPSEC configuration template, use the template to configure your on-prem device.

4. Connect Spoke to Transit

Once the Site2Cloud tunnel is up, it’s time to use AWS Peering to build connectivity between a Spoke VPC and the transit VPC.

Go to Peering → AWS Peering, click New Peering. Select a spoke VPC and the transit VPC, and click OK.

The AWS Peering will be established and the routing tables will be programmed by the Controller.

AWS Peering

5. Congratulations

Now you can test connectivity by initiating a "Ping" or "SSH" from office host machine or your laptop to an EC2 instance in a Spoke VPC.

6. Add More Spoke VPCs

Each time you add a new Spoke VPC, you need to edit the site2cloud tunnel to include the new Spoke VPC CIDR in the remote CIDR field, as shown below. Similarly, you may need to edit your on-prem device to include the new Spoke VPC.

Edit Transit to On-Prem for Spoke 2