Setting up a Transit Network using Aviatrix Terraform Provider

The Aviatrix Terraform Provider is used to interact with Aviatrix resources. To learn more about Terraform, please see the Terraform Registry.

Setting up a Terraform Provider

# Configure Aviatrix provider
provider "aviatrix" {
  controller_ip = ""
  username = "username"
  password = "password"
  version = "2.2"

# Create a record
resource "aviatrix_account" "myacc" {
  # ...


These are the available resources for creating a transit VPC solution.


Manages an Aviatrix Transit Gateway.

Example Usage

provider "aviatrix" {
  controller_ip = ""
  username = "username"
  password = "password"
  version = "2.2"

# Create a transit gateway.
# Omit ha_subnet to launch transit gateway without HA.
# HA subnet can later be added or deleted to enable/disable HA in transit gateway
resource "aviatrix_transit_gateway" "test_transit_gw" {
  cloud_type = 1
  account_name = "devops"
  gw_name = "transit"
  vpc_id = "vpc-abcd1234"
  vpc_reg = "us-east-1"
  gw_size = "t2.micro"
  subnet = ""
  ha_subnet = ""
tag_list = ["key:value", "key1:value1", "key2:value2"]
cloud_type Enter 1 for AWS cloud type.


Enter Aviatrix’s cloud account name.


Enter Gateway name for transit VPC.


VPC ID of transit VPC.


Gateway size.


VPC subnet where you want to deploy transit VPC GW.


(Optional) VPC subnet for HA.


(Optional) List of tags with key/value pairs in string format.


Manages VGW connection

Example Usage :

provider "aviatrix" {
  controller_ip = ""
  username = "username"
  password = "password"
  version = "2.2"

# Once this resource is created, VGW can be disconnected
# from transit GW by destroying this resource using command:
# terraform destroy --target aviatrix_vgw_conn.test_vgw_conn.

resource "aviatrix_vgw_conn" "test_vgw_conn" {
  conn_name = "my_conn"
  gw_name = "transit"
  vpc_id = "vpc-abcd1234"
  bgp_vgw_id = "vgw-abcd1234"
  bgp_vgw_account = "devops"
  bgp_vgw_region = "us-east-1"
  bgp_local_as_num = "65001"


Name for transit VPC to VGW connection.


Transit VPC GW name.


Enter VPC Id of transit VPC.


Enter AWS VGW Id used for connection.


AWS Account Number of the VGW used.


Region of the AWS’s VGW used.


Enter BGP Local ASN.


Manages an Aviatrix Spoke Gateway

Example Usage :

provider "aviatrix" {
  controller_ip = ""
  username = "username"
  password = "password"
  version = "2.2"

# Launch a spoke gateway, and join with transit gateway.
# Omit ha_subnet to launch spoke gateway without HA.
# ha_subnet can be later added or deleted to enable/disable HA in spoke gateway
# Omit transit_gw to launch spoke gateway without attaching with transit GW.
# transit_gw can be later added or deleted to attach/detach from spoke gateway
resource "aviatrix_spoke_gateway" "test_spoke" {
  cloud_type = 1
  account_name = "devops"
  gw_name = "myspoke"
  vpc_id = "vpc-defg3456"
  vpc_reg = "us-east-1"
  gw_size = "t2.micro"
  subnet = ""
  ha_subnet = ""
  transit_gw = "transit"
  tag_list = ["key:value", "key:value1", "key:value2"]
cloud_type Enter 1 for AWS cloud type.


Enter aviatrix cloud account name.


Enter Gateway name for spoke gateway.


VPC ID for Spoke gateway.


Gateway region.


Gateway size.


VPC subnet where you want to deploy transit GW.


(Optional) Enter "yes" to enable NAT.


(Optional) VPC subnet for HA.


(Optional) Transit Gateway name to join spoke Gateway with.


(Optional) List of tags with key/value pairs in string format.

Sample configuration to create complete transit VPC solution


In this example, you must specify the username and password, controller_ip, account_email and other parameters.

# Sample Aviatrix terraform configuration to create complete transit VPC solution
# This configuration creates a cloud account on Aviatrix controller, launches transit gateway, creates VGW connection
# with transit gateway
# Launches a spoke GW, and attach with transit gateway.

# Edit to enter your controller's IP, username and password to login with.
provider "aviatrix" {
  controller_ip = "w.x.y.z"
  username = "username"
  password = "password"
  version = "2.2"

resource "aviatrix_account" "test_acc" {
  account_name = "devops"
  account_password = "account_password"
  account_email = ""
  cloud_type = 1
  aws_account_number = "123456789012"
  aws_iam = "true"
  aws_role_app = "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/aviatrix-role-app"
  aws_role_ec2 = "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/aviatrix-role-ec2"

# Create transit gateway
# Omit ha_subnet to launch transit gateway without HA.
# ha_subnet can be later added or deleted to enable/disable HA in transit gateway

resource "aviatrix_transit_gateway" "test_transit_gw" {
  cloud_type = 1
  account_name = aviatrix_account.test_acc.account_name
  gw_name = "transit"
  vpc_id = "vpc-abcd1234"
  vpc_reg = "us-east-1"
  gw_size = "t2.micro"
  subnet = ""
  ha_subnet = ""

# Create VGW connection with transit gateway.
# Once this resource is created, VGW can be disconnected
# from transit GW by destroying this resource using command:
# terraform destroy --target aviatrix_vgw_conn.test_vgw_conn.

resource "aviatrix_vgw_conn" "test_vgw_conn" {
  conn_name = "my_conn"
  gw_name = aviatrix_transit_gateway.test_transit_gw.gw_name
  vpc_id = "vpc-abcd1234"
  bgp_vgw_id = "vgw-abcd1234"
bgp_vgw_account = aviatrix_account.test_acc.account_name
  bgp_vgw_region = "us-east-1"
  bgp_local_as_num = "65001"
depends_on = ["aviatrix_transit_gateway.test_transit_gw"]

# Launch a spoke gateway, and join with transit gateway.
# Omit ha_subnet to launch spoke gateway without HA.
# ha_subnet can be later added or deleted to enable/disable HA in spoke gateway
# Omit transit_gw to launch spoke gateway without attaching with transit gateway.
# transit_gw can be later added or deleted to attach/detach from spoke gateway

resource "aviatrix_spoke_gateway" "test_spoke" {
  cloud_type = 1
  account_name = aviatrix_account.test_acc.account_name
  gw_name = "myspoke"
  vpc_id = "vpc-defg1234"
  vpc_reg = "us-east-1"
  gw_size = "t2.micro"
  subnet = ""
  ha_subnet = ""
  transit_gw = aviatrix_transit_gateway.test_transit_gw.gw_name
  depends_on = ["aviatrix_vgw_conn.test_vgw_conn"]