Aviatrix Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

The Aviatrix Controller is a multicloud and multi-tenant enterprise platform. As such, the Aviatrix Controller manages multiple cloud accounts by requiring access by multiple administrators. RBAC provides access controls to protect the security and integrity of the Controller while providing the ability to delegate and limit specific Aviatrix features to groups defined by the admin of the Controller.

Aviatrix RBAC aims to achieve two objectives:

  • Granular Access Control* A Controller administrator in a specific permission group can perform certain tasks for a subset of Aviatrix Access Account. For example, an Administrative user can be limited to perform on his own AWS account VPC attachment function.

  • Self Service* A Controller administrator in a specific permission group can onboard its own cloud accounts on the Controller and perform tasks. For example, a Controller administrator can be allowed to onboard his own AWS account on the Controller and create a group of users for different tasks on this access account. Another use case is for developers to have a read_only login permission to troubleshoot network connectivity issues.