Aviatrix CoPilot Image Release Notes

Aviatrix CoPilot is delivered via one image that should be maintained with the latest version for managing security and support for the product. You launch the Aviatrix CoPilot image instance in the AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, or respective cloud marketplace.

After a base image is launched from a marketplace, the CoPilot instance automatically updates to the latest software version upon startup. It is recommended to allow updates to your CoPilot image for receiving the latest software versions. For information about CoPilot software releases, see Aviatrix CoPilot Release Notes

Migrating to a Later CoPilot Image

If you have an existing CoPilot and want to uptake the latest version of a CoPilot base image, you must first launch a new CoPilot based on the latest image, and then migrate data from the old CoPilot to the new CoPilot.

(AWS Cloud) If your existing CoPilot is an Appliance Version 2 image and you want to uptake an Appliance Version 3 image, you can perform the image migration using a backup and restore method. This image migration method is supported for AWS cloud between two simple CoPilot deployments running Appliance Version 2 images. See Migrate CoPilot to Appliance V3 (AWS) for more details.

For information about migrating CoPilot data from an old image to a new image, see Migrating CoPilot Data.

Perform necessary backups of your CoPilot data before uptaking a new image.

Appliance Version 3 Images

CoPilot instances launched using base image version 3.9.2 or later are labeled Appliance Version 3.

Appliance Version 3 images have the following characteristics:

CoPilot Image Releases - Appliance Version 3

Image Version CSP Marketplace Release Date Notes

Version 3.12.1 — OCI (x86)


15 June 2023

The image applies CIS hardening and increases Appliance Version from 2 to 3.0.0 (Appliance Version 3.0.0).

Version 3.10.1 — Azure China (x86)

Azure China

24 May 2023

The image applies CIS hardening and increases Appliance Version from 2 to 3.0.0 (Appliance Version 3.0.0).

Version 3.10.1 — Azure (Arm)(x86)


18 May 2023

The image applies CIS hardening and increases Appliance Version from 2 to 3.0.0 (Appliance Version 3.0.0).

Version 3.10.1 — GCP (x86)


17 May 2023

The image applies CIS hardening and increases Appliance Version from 2 to 3.0.0 (Appliance Version 3.0.0).

Version 3.10.1 — Azure (x86)


16 May 2023

The image applies CIS hardening and increases Appliance Version from 2 to 3.0.0 (Appliance Version 3.0.0).

Version 3.10.0 — AWS (Arm)


15 May 2023

The image applies CIS hardening and increases Appliance Version from 2 to 3.0.0 (Appliance Version 3.0.0).

Version 3.10.0 — AWS China (x86)

AWS China

12 May 2023

The image applies CIS hardening and increases Appliance Version from 2 to 3.0.0 (Appliance Version 3.0.0).

Version 3.9.2 — AWS (x86)


06 May 2023

The image applies CIS hardening and increases Appliance Version from 2 to 3.0.0 (Appliance Version 3.0.0).

Appliance Version 2 Images

CoPilot instances launched using base image version 1.5.1 through version 3.9.1 are labeled Appliance Version 2.

Appliance Version 2 images have the following characteristics:

CoPilot Image Releases - Appliance Version 2

Image Version CSP Marketplace Release Date Notes

Version 3.5.8 — GCP (x86)


17 Feb 2023

The image remediates CVE-2021-45960.

Version 2.0.6 — Azure


25 Aug 2022

The image contains general updates.

Version 2.2.2 — OCI/OCI Gov


26 July 2022

The image remediates CVE-2021-45960.

Version 2.0.6 — GCP


08 July 2022

The image remediates CVE-2021-45960.

Version 1.5.1 — Azure


06 July 2022

The image contains general updates.

Version 2.0.4 — AWS ARM


06 July 2022

The image remediates CVE-2021-43527.

Version 2.0.4


23 June 2022

The image remediates CVE-2021-43527.

Version 1.5.1


14 Jan 2022

The image introduces Disk (Volume) Support and Auto-Scaling Memory Support.

Disk (Volume) Support

With Appliance Version 2 and Version 3 CoPilot base images, you can allocate data disks (volumes) to your Aviatrix CoPilot deployment to be used for expandable storage. During instance creation in the marketplace, you can attach a data disk (data volume) to be used for CoPilot storage. When you deploy the instance, the initial setup process will automatically detect the disk/volume you attached during instance creation and format and attach your disks (a logical disk/volume is created from all physical disks). As your storage needs increase later (after deploying), you can also add more disks (volumes) as needed. See CoPilot Disk (Volume) Management for more information.

Auto-Scaling Memory Support

Appliance Version 2 and Version 3 CoPilot base images support automatic memory sizing for the ETL and datastore based on the physical memory of the instance at boot. New base images will default to these automatic settings, but existing deployments will keep their current configuration unless updated. Memory settings are located under CoPilot > Settings > Configuration > Options.

CoPilot Image Release Notes (Archived)

For the latest CoPilot image release information, see Aviatrix CoPilot Image Release Notes.

CoPilot Image: Version 3.10.1 (24 May 2023) — Azure China (x86)

Aviatrix CoPilot image version 3.10.1 released on 24 May 2023 on the Azure China cloud platform.

  • Applies CIS hardening

  • Increases appliance version from 2 to 3.0.0 (Appliance Version 3.0.0)

CoPilot Image: Version 3.10.1 (18 May 2023) — Azure ARM

  • Aviatrix CoPilot image version 3.10.1 released on 18 May 2023 on the Azure cloud platform.

  • Applies CIS hardening

  • Increases appliance version from 2 to 3.0.0 (Appliance Version 3.0.0)

CoPilot Image: Version 3.10.1 (17 May 2023) — GCP (x86)

  • Aviatrix CoPilot image version 3.10.1 released on 17 May 2023 on the GCP cloud platform.

  • Applies CIS hardening

  • Increases appliance version from 2 to 3.0.0 (Appliance Version 3.0.0)

CoPilot Image: Version 3.10.0 (15 May 2023) — AWS ARM

  • Aviatrix CoPilot image version 3.10.0 released on 15 May 2023 on the AWS cloud platform.

  • Applies CIS hardening

  • Increases appliance version from 2 to 3.0.0 (Appliance Version 3.0.0)

CoPilot Image: Version 3.10.0 (12 May 2023) — AWS China (x86)

Aviatrix CoPilot image version 3.10.0 released on 12 May 2023 on the AWS China cloud platform.

  • Applies CIS hardening

  • Increases appliance version from 2 to 3.0.0 (Appliance Version 3.0.0)

CoPilot Image: Version 3.9.2 (06 May 2023) — AWS (x86)

Aviatrix CoPilot image version 3.9.2 released on 06 May 2023 on the AWS cloud platform.

  • Applies CIS hardening

  • Increases appliance version from 2 to 3.0.0 (Appliance Version 3.0.0)

CoPilot Image: Version 3.5.8 (17 Feb 2023) — GCP (x86)

  • Aviatrix CoPilot image version 3.5.8 released on 17 Feb 2023 on the GCP cloud platform.

The image remediates CVE-2021-45960.

CoPilot Image: Version 2.0.6 (25 Aug 2022) — Azure

  • Aviatrix CoPilot image version 2.0.6 released on 25 Aug 2022 on the Azure cloud platform.

CoPilot Image: Version 2.2.2 (26 July 2022) — OCI/OCI Gov

  • Aviatrix CoPilot image version 2.2.2 released on 26 July 2022 on the OCI and OCI Gov cloud platforms.

The image remediates CVE-2021-45960.

CoPilot Image: Version 2.0.6 (08 July 2022) — GCP

  • Aviatrix CoPilot image version 2.0.6 released on 08 July 2022 on the GCP cloud platform.

The image remediates CVE-2021-45960.

CoPilot Image: Version 1.5.1 (06 July 2022) — Azure

  • Aviatrix CoPilot image version 1.5.1 released on 06 July 2022 on the Azure cloud platform.

The image contains general updates.

CoPilot Image: Version 2.0.4 (06 July 2022) — AWS ARM

  • Aviatrix CoPilot image version 2.0.4 released on 06 July 2022 on the AWS cloud platform for AWS ARM image.

The image remediates CVE-2021-43527.

CoPilot Image: Version 2.0.4 (23 June 2022) — AWS

  • Aviatrix CoPilot image version 2.0.4 released on 23 June 2022 on the AWS cloud platform.

The image remediates CVE-2021-43527.

CoPilot Image: Version 1.5.1 (14 Jan 2022)

  • Aviatrix CoPilot image version 1.5.1 released on 14 Jan 2022.

If you are deploying the 1.5.1 image version from the marketplace, the following disk volume and auto-scaling features are now available.

Note: These feature are available only if you deploy the new 1.5.1 image version.

  • New disk (volume) support — You can now allocate data disks (volumes) to your Aviatrix CoPilot deployment to be used for expandable storage. During instance creation in the marketplace, you can attach a data disk (data volume) to be used for CoPilot storage. When you deploy the instance, the initial setup process will automatically detect the disk/volume you attached during instance creation and format and attach your disks (a logical disk/volume is created from all physical disks). As your storage needs increase later (after deploying), you can also add more disks (volumes) as needed. See CoPilot Disk (Volume) Management for more information.

  • Auto-scaling memory support — CoPilot now supports automatic memory sizing for the ETL and datastore based on the physical memory of the instance at boot. New base images will default to these automatic settings, but existing deployments will keep their current configuration unless updated. Memory settings are still located under Settings > Configuration > Options.