Monitoring Resource Utilization of Managed Resources

This section describes the Performance feature of Aviatrix CoPilot.

In the CoPilot > Monitor > Performance page, CoPilot shows resource utilization data or telemetry statistics for managed resources (Aviatrix gateways) across your Aviatrix multicloud or single cloud transit network.

You can filter telemetry data based on one or more hosts located in any cloud. When choosing multiple gateways, CoPilot displays the data for each host in comparative graphs.

Select one or multiple telemetry metrics to monitor and the applicable hosts and CoPilot dynamically creates the graphs.

Hover over the plotted nodes in the graphs to view the statistics for each host.

You cannot save telemetry filters at this time.

Conntrack-Limits Network Performance Metrics

(AWS Cloud) You can monitor the following conntrack-limits network performance metrics for Aviatrix Gateway instances:

Conntrack Allowance Available — Reports the number of available tracked connections that can be established before an instance’s Connections Tracked allowance is exceeded. This metric is supplied by the Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) driver only on AWS.

Conntrack Usage Rate — The rate at which conntrack capacity is being used up in connections per second. The Conntrack Usage Rate metric is only available in AWS where the Conntrack Allowance Available (conntrack_allowance_available) metric is present.

To view performance graphs of these metrics for your Aviatrix gateways:

  1. Go to CoPilot > Monitor > Performance page.

  2. Select the applicable gateway(s).

  3. Select the Conntrack Allowance Available metric.

  4. Select the Conntrack Usage Rate metric

  5. Select the applicable ethx interfaces to monitor.

  6. Click Apply.