CoPilot Dashboard Page Reference

The following table summarizes the information CoPilot shows in the CoPilot > Dashboard page.

Dashboard Page View Description

Health - Geographic map

Shows the approximate geographic location of VPC/VNets that are owned by the cloud account(s) onboarded onto the controller.

Aviatrix-managed VPC/VNets are shown.

In Show Threats view, the geographical map shows you the approximate locations of known malicious IPs that have communicated with your network (bidirectional traffic) within a 24 hour period as reported by the ThreatIQ feature as seen over the network in the past 24 hours.

Health - Gateways Health

Shows the state of Aviatrix Gateways (Up/Down).

You can click the status marker to view the status of all gateways and access diagnostic tools for any gateway.

You can click View in Gateways to further analyze gateway details in the Gateways Page.

Health - Connection Health

Shows the connectivity status of connections between Aviatrix managed resources.

CoPilot shows the connectivity status of links between Aviatrix gateways and between Aviatrix gateways and external connections.

You can click View in Topology to further analyze connection details such as link latencies in the Topology page.

Health - Threats

Shows the number of threat IPs detected by the ThreatIQ feature (seen over the network in the past 24 hours).

You can click on View in ThreatIQ to further analyze threat details in the ThreatIQ page.

Health - Detected Intrusions

Shows the number of intrusions detected by the Intrusion Detection feature.

You can click View in Security to further analyze intrusion details in the Intrusion Detection page.

Health - CoPilot Health

Shows the number and state of CoPilot services running on the Aviatrix CoPilot instance.

You can click View in Resources to inspect CoPilot service status further and restart services if necessary.

Health - Controller Health

Shows telemetry statistics (CPU Used, Memory Used, and Disk Used) for the instance running your Aviatrix controller.

You can click View in Performance to view additional telemetry statistics for your controller in the Performance page.

Health - Alerts

Shows the number of Aviatrix managed hosts that have an unresolved (open) triggered alert for any of the following alert types:

Global Network Health

(see Global Network Health Alert)

Global Control Plane Health

(see Global Control Plane Health Alert)

Global Memory Swap Surge

(see Global Memory Swap Surge Alert)

Alerts opened in the past 24 hours are shown.

You can click View in Alerts to open the Alerts details page for triggered alerts.

Resources - Cloud Accounts

Shows the cloud accounts currently onboarded onto Aviatrix Controller.

Resources - VPC/VNets

Shows the VPC/VNets running in your clouds for cloud accounts onboarded onto Aviatrix Controller.

Shows if the VPC/VNet is Aviatrix Managed where:

* Aviatrix managed = Yes — Indicates an Aviatrix gateway is running in the VPC/VNet.

* Aviatrix managed = No — Indicates no Aviatrix gateways exist in the VPC/VNet.


* If you create a VPC/VNet by using cloud provider tools instead of Aviatrix tools (the Controller UI or CoPilot UI), the VPC/VNet will be marked as unmanaged even if an Aviatrix gateway is running in it.

* Only Aviatrix-managed VPC/VNets are shown for Alibaba Cloud and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

Resources - Transit Gateways

Shows the Aviatrix Transit Gateways that are owned by the cloud accounts currently onboarded onto Aviatrix Controller.

Counts are near real-time.

* For controllers 7.1 and later, counts reflect the sum of gateways.

* For controllers 7.0 and earlier, counts reflect the sum of primary gateway instances.

CoPilot shows the number of instances in a DOWN state.


Transit gateways configured for Egress Control are not shown in the Dashboard; these are shown in the CoPilot > Security > Egress > Transit Egress page.

Resources - Spoke Gateways

Shows the Aviatrix Spoke Gateways that are owned by the cloud accounts currently onboarded onto Aviatrix Controller.

Counts are near real-time.

* For controllers 7.1 and later, counts reflect the sum of gateways.

* For controllers 7.0 and earlier, counts reflect the sum of primary gateway instances.

CoPilot shows the number of instances in a DOWN state.

Resources - Edge Gateways

Shows the Aviatrix Edge Gateways that are owned by the cloud accounts currently onboarded onto Aviatrix Controller.

Counts are near real-time.

* For controllers 7.1 and later, counts reflect the sum of gateways.

* For controllers 7.0 and earlier, counts reflect the sum of primary gateway instances.

CoPilot shows the number of instances in a DOWN state.

Resources - Specialty Gateways

Shows the Aviatrix Specialty Gateways that are owned by the cloud accounts currently onboarded onto Aviatrix Controller.

Counts are near real-time.

* For controllers 7.1 and later, counts reflect the sum of gateways.

* For controllers 7.0 and earlier, counts reflect the sum of primary gateway instances.

CoPilot shows the number of instances in a DOWN state.


* Specialty gateways include Public Subnet Filtering Gateways (PSF gateways) and other types of standalone gateways.

* Specialty gateways do not include transit gateways configured for Egress Control; these are shown in the CoPilot > Security > Egress > Transit Egress page.

Resources - VMs Charts

Shows the virtual machines that are owned by the cloud accounts currently onboarded onto Aviatrix Controller.

Managed VMs are shown.

You can filter the virtual machines by cloud, type, and status.

By Cloud: This chart shows distribution of virtual machines per Cloud.

Resources - Gateways Charts

Shows the Aviatrix Gateways that are owned by the cloud accounts currently onboarded onto Aviatrix Controller.

You can filter the Aviatrix Gateways by cloud, type, size, and region.

By Cloud: This chart shows distribution of Aviatrix gateways per Cloud.

Resources - VPN User Count

Shows the number of VPN users connecting into the VPN Gateway.