Enabling Local Egress

If a WebGroup is already configured on a VPC/VNet, make sure that at a minimum they have the following instance size or larger before enabling Local Egress:

  • VPC (AWS): t3.medium

  • VNet (Azure): Standard_B2ms

On the Egress VPC/VNets tab you enable Local Egress on selected VPC/VNets.


This table displays:

  • Spoke gateways that have Local Egress enabled (Spoke gateways that send traffic directly to the Internet)

  • Spoke gateways that have Transit Egress enabled (Spoke gateways that forward traffic to a Transit gateway, which then sends it to the Internet)

    This Transit gateway must have Transit Egress Capability (selectable when you create a Transit gateway).
  • Spoke gateways where Egress is not configured by Aviatrix (Native Cloud Egress). These are not editable or removable.

  • Any Transit gateways attached to the Spoke gateways.

When you add Local Egress on a VPC/VNet this:

  • Changes the default route on the VPC/VNET to point to the Spoke Gateway

  • Enables SNAT

  1. Click +Local Egress on VPC/VNets.

  2. In the Add Local Egress on VPC/VNets dialog, select the VPC/VNets on which to enable Local Egress.

  3. Click Add.

The following occurs when you remove Local Egress support:

  • SNAT is disabled

  • Default route is reset