Filtering Your Topology by CSP Tags

The following examples filter resources in the topology map that have cloud service provider (CSP) native tags associated with them.

You can filter your topology per VPC/VNet tags or instance tags.

This feature is available with Controller release 6.6 and later.

For instructions on creating a topology filter, see Creating a Topology Filter.

Example - Filter topology by CSP VPC/VNet tags

You created a tag named accounting in your CSP environment and associated this tag with two VPCs.

In CoPilot, you select a VPC in the Topology Map and locate the property named vpc_tags.

You create a filter where the condition that must be met is the value of the property named vpc_tags must equal accounting.

Condition key = vpc_tags

Operator = equals

Value = accounting

After applying this filter, you see only the two VPCs in your CSP environments that are used by your Engineering department in the topology map

Searching on the term accounting in the topology search field highlights nodes in the map that use a tag with this name.

Example - Filter topology by CSP instance tags

You created a tag named sap in your CSP environment and associated this tag with four instances that run SAP applications.

In CoPilot, you select an instance in the Topology Map and locate the property named tags.

You create a filter where the condition that must be met is the value of the property named tags must equal sap.

Condition key = tags

Operator = equals

Value = sap

After applying this filter, you see only the instances that run your SAP applications in the topology map.

Searching on the term sap in the topology search field highlights nodes in the map that use a tag with this name.