Upgrade your Controller and Gateways via CoPilot UI

If your Controller version is 7.0 or earlier, use Controller UI for the Controller and Gateway upgrade. See Upgrade your Controller via the Controller UI

This pages instructs on how to perform single-version Controller and Gateway upgrade. For multiple-version Controller and Gateway upgrade, see Multiple-Version Upgrade for Controller and Gateways.

Before Upgrade

Before upgrading your Controller and Gateways, it is highly recommend to check the General Controller and Gateways Upgrade Guidance.

  • It is important to upgrade the Controller first, ensuring it is at the desired release version.

  • Once the Controller upgrade is completed successfully, you proceed to upgrade the Gateways.

Review the Pre-upgrade Tasks

Check and perform all the pre-upgrade tasks. See details in Pre-upgrade Tasks for Controller and Gateways.

Check the Upgrade Checklist

Perform all the items listed in the upgrade checklist. See details in Upgrade Checklist of the Controller and Gateway Upgrade

The following table outlines the steps involved in upgrading the Controller and Gateways when upgrading between different versions.

Upgrade your Controller

Perform the following steps to upgrade your Controller to a desired version:

  1. Log into your CoPilot.

  2. Go to Settings > Maintenance > Upgrade, click Upgrade under the Controller card.

  3. Enter the release number to which you want to upgrade. By default, it will upgrade to the latest version of the current release. Alternatively, you can specify a specific release version.

Upgrade your Gateways

Click Upgrade to initiate the Controller upgrade process.

Perform the following steps to upgrade your Gateways to a desired version:

  1. Log into your CoPilot.

  2. Go to Settings > Maintenance > Upgrade, click Upgrade under the Controller card. Alternatively, you can:

    1. Go to Gateways > Gateway Management and click Software Upgrade.

  3. Choose the gateways you want to upgrade from the dropdown list. However, please note that the system will upgrade the Controller first and then the gateways.

  4. Click Action > Dry Run to check for potential issues.

  5. (Optional) If any issues are reported, address and fix them accordingly.

  6. Click Action > Upgrade Software to upgrade the selected gateways.

  7. Wait for the upgrade process to complete and verify that you receive a successful upgrade message.

  • Upgrade HA (High Availability) gateways first, then upgrade primary gateways:

    • To ensure proper continuity and system availability, it is recommended to upgrade HA gateways before upgrading primary gateways. This sequence minimizes any potential disruptions during the upgrade process.

  • After upgrading your HA gateways, upgrade the primary gateways.

Verify your Upgrade

After performing an upgrade, it is important to verify your upgrade status.