Enabling Cloud Service Provider Settings

This document describes the cloud service provider settings that you can configure for Aviatrix Transit Gateway.

Summarize CIDR(s) to AWS TGW

Enable this setting to limit routes propagated to TGW to only three RFC 1918 CIDRs and specific non-RFC 1918 CIDRs. Limiting routes saves route propagation time.

Leave this setting disabled (the default setting) to maintain better segmentation behavior without improving performance.

AWS TGW Edge Segmentation

This option is only valid for Spoke VPC/VNets deployed via AWS TGW. <have to confirm what this means>

After you create an AWS TGW, you can deploy a Spoke VPC from the Networking > Connectivity > AWS TGW tab. Click an existing AWS TGW, then click Attach VPC on the Attachments tab. Select a Spoke VPC when attaching the VPC to the AWS TGW.

AWS TGW Edge Segmentation allows you to further specify on each edge connection which domain the Transit Gateway can communicate with.

This feature is not available for Transit Gateways that have FireNet added, or have Network Segmentation enabled.

After you turn On this option you can build domain connection policies to specify which Network Domain this edge connection can communicate with.

Configuring CSP Settings

  1. In CoPilot, go to Cloud Fabric > Gateways > Transit Gateways tab.

  2. Select the Transit Gateway you wish to edit.

  3. Go to the Transit Gateway’s Settings tab.

  4. Expand the CSP Settings section.

  5. (optional) Toggle Summarize CIDR(s) to AWS TGW to On.

  6. Follow the instructions to set up AWS TGW Edge Segmentation.