Aviatrix CoPilot Platform

CoPilot delivers, end-to-end, in-depth, historical analytics of multicloud networks with a single pane of glass that offers application flows, inventory, health, and complete topological view of the network.

This section provides information about the CoPilot platform, deployment model, licensing, and product guides.

For a summary of CoPilot key features, see Aviatrix CoPilot Features.

CoPilot Platform Overview

Aviatrix CoPilot is a component of the Aviatrix platform offering that extends visibility into complex, multicloud networks managed by Aviatrix Controller.

Aviatrix CoPilot provides a global operational view of your multicloud network, supporting business-critical cloud networking. CoPilot enables enterprises to implement intelligent cloud networking that embeds security into their networks with monitoring and diagnostic tools that help support application availability. CoPilot offers visibility into cloud networking costs, showing how network resources are consumed by different business units or cost centers for billing purposes.

Enterprise IT teams use CoPilot’s dynamic topology mapping to maintain an accurate topology of their global multicloud networks, FlowIQ to analyze global network traffic flows and global heat maps and time series trend charts to easily pinpoint and troubleshoot traffic anomalies. CoPilot leverages the intelligence and advanced network and security services delivered by Aviatrix’s multicloud network platform to provide enterprise cloud network operations teams both familiar day-two operational features such as packet capture, trace route and ping and new operational capabilities specifically built for multicloud network environments.

CoPilot Deployment Model

CoPilot is deployed as an all-in-one virtual appliance and is available on AWS, Azure, GCP, and OCI marketplaces. For information about base image releases that become available in the markeplaces, see the Aviatrix CoPilot Image Release Notes.

CoPilot works in tandem with Aviatrix Controller; in order to use CoPilot, you must have an operational Aviatrix Controller. In the Controller, you set up user accounts and the CoPilot service account with required permissions for CoPilot usage. See CoPilot Accounts and Users.

Aviatrix Controller and CoPilot are not required to be collocated. It is possible to run them in separate VPCs/VNets or separate cloud providers (in multicloud environments). If CoPilot is located in the same VPC/VNet as your Controller, specifying a private IP can increase operational bandwidth and potentially save on cost.

In order to deploy Controller and CoPilot, you must subscribe to an Aviatrix offer in a cloud provider marketplace. See the discussion about planning your CoPilot deployment in Planning Your CoPilot Deployment for information about Aviatrix offers.

For information about deploying Aviatrix CoPilot, including deployment methods and virtual machine (instance) minimum requirements, see Planning Your CoPilot Deployment.

CoPilot Licensing and Trials

If you are interested in a trial of CoPilot, contact us through our online form at https://aviatrix.com/contact, or contact your Aviatrix Sales representative.

CoPilot Platform Product Guides

CoPilot product guides are as follows:

CoPilot Guide Name Description

CoPilot Overview

An overview of CoPilot as it relates to other components in the Aviatrix platform and a summary of key features.

Getting Started

Information about deploying CoPilot, logging in, setting user interface preferences, and tasks that are common across pages, editors, and tables in the user interface.

Accounts and Users

Information about user account permissions that are required for performing different actions in the user interface.

Building Your Network

Information about deploying Aviatrix gateways and constructs onto your network environments via the CoPilot user interface.

Networking and Security

Information about implementing Aviatrix secured networking and enhanced security services via the CoPilot user interface.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Information about monitoring your Aviatrix-managed cloud resources, looking out for security threats, diagnosing network problems, and monitoring the performance of Aviatrix gateways and resources.

Platform Administration

Key topics and instructions for CoPilot platform administration tasks, including backing up and restoring CoPilot configuration and index data, application tuning, and lifecycle management tasks.

Release Notes

Information about CoPilot software releases and CoPilot base image releases.