Deleting a Transit Gateway

In Aviatrix CoPilot:

  1. Go to Cloud Fabric > Gateways > Transit Gateways tab.

  2. In the table, locate the Transit Gateway you want to delete and click the Delete icon on the right side of its row.

  3. To delete the Transit Gateway, confirm that you want to delete the selected Transit Gateway and click Delete.

    If a Transit Gateway has any backup, Transit-Transit, or Transit-Spoke peering connections, these connections are automatically detached when the Transit Gateway is deleted.

    However, if the Transit Gateway is part of any external (Site2Cloud) connections you must remove those associations before deleting the Transit Gateway.

To monitor the progress of this gateway deletion:

  1. From the left sidebar menu, go to Monitor > Notifications > Tasks tab.

  2. In the table, locate the delete task and click the arrow to expand the row. Depending on the gateway settings, the following states will display:

    • Delete gateway peering

    • Delete HA gateway

    • Delete primary gateway