Implementing Recommendations

After receiving a notification email indicating that trigger conditions have been met and sustained for the configured Evaluation Period (if you entered this information when creating the policy), you can choose to implement the manual scaling recommendation. A recommendation is generated per VPC/VNet rather than per policy.

On the Cloud Fabric > Scaling > Recommendations tab, you can choose to scale up or down (Transit VPCs), or up/down in/out (Spoke VPCs) depending on the Operation you selected when creating the related policy. After the recommendation has executed it is removed from the Recommendations list and is displayed as an event on the Scaling > Events tab.

scaling recommendation

Clicking a recommendation in the Time field for a policy on the Recommendation tab shows the policy details and the performance of the metrics that have been triggered over the selected time period. After viewing this historical detail you can decide if you want to apply the recommendation.

A recommendation is not valid when it falls outside of the triggered conditions.

A recommendation can become valid again if it once again falls in the triggered conditional range, and there is at least one VPC remaining in the manual policy. If the VPC is removed from the policy it will not trigger again.

To implement a recommendation:

  1. Click Scale Up, Scale Down, or Scale In next to a recommendation in the list.

  2. If you scale up or down by increasing or decreasing current gateway size:

    1. Select the new instance size.

    2. Acknowledge that this operation could cause a brief network downtime.

    3. Click Begin Scaling.

      scaling manual instance size
  3. If you scale in or out by adding or removing instances:

    1. Scale Up:

      1. Click +Instance.

      scaling instance

    1. Select an available subnet.

    2. Select an existing IP, or allocate a new IP to the instance.

    3. Click Begin Scaling.

  1. Scale Down:

    1. Click the Delete icon next to the instance to delete (at least one row must remain).

    2. Click Begin Scaling.

You cannot add an instance if no subnet is available in that VPC/VNet.

After scaling has occurred:

  • a message displays on the Scaling > Recommendations tab indicating this, and that the VPC/VNet that triggered the recommendation has been removed from the policy.

  • The related recommendation is removed from the Recommendations list.

  • An event is generated and added to the Events page.

Scaling operations run one at a time per policy. Multiple policies can run at the same time.