Aviatrix Multicloud Transit Network FAQ

Why should I choose Aviatrix Multicloud Transit Network Architecture?

Aviatrix Multicloud Transit Network architecture is about building connectivity between the cloud and on-prem in the most agile manner possible. In the Aviatrix Multicloud Transit Network architecture, there is one connection (not including the backup) between on-prem and a Transit VPC or VNet. Everything else (the Spoke VPC and VNets to on-prem traffic) is routed through the Transit VPC or VNet.

The alternative to Transit architecture (often referred to as "flat" architecture) is to build one connection, either IPsec over the Internet or Direct Connect, each time you spin up a new VPC or VNet in the cloud. This requires changes at the on-prem edge, which requires a change control process that may take days to weeks.

How does the Aviatrix Transit Network solution differ from Cisco’s CSR-Based solution?

They differ in the following areas:

  • Central Control - With the Aviatrix solution, the Aviatrix Controller is the single pane of glass for all networking in the cloud.

  • AWS Transit Gateway Integration If you have AWS deployment, Aviatrix Transit integrates with an AWS TGW seamlessly for high bandwidth Spoke VPC connection. Customers who do not require end to end encryption can now use the TGW native service to connect the Spoke VPCs.

  • Network Segmentation In the CSR-based solution, all Spoke VPCs have connectivity to each other through the Transit GW, even though these Spoke VPCs belong to different AWS accounts or business teams. In contrast, in the Aviatrix solution the Spoke VPC/VNets have no connectivity to each other, by default. Connectivity is built by design. With the TGW integration, you can customize the Network Domains to meet your segmentation requirements.

  • Connectivity Efficiency In the Aviatrix solution, traffic between any two Spoke VPC/VNets can be routed via TGW or directly, as opposed to going through the instance based Transit GW as required by the CSR-based solution. Decoupling the different traffic streams reduces performance bottlenecks and removes single failure points.

  • No unwanted route propagation Since Spoke VPC/VNets run BGP in CSR solution, if a Spoke VPC/VNet also connects to a partner network via VGW, the partner network routes could be propagated to your own on-prem network.

  • Simplicity In Aviatrix’s solution, BGP is only deployed between Transit GW and VGW. No Spoke VPCs run BGP. Simplicity leads to stability. Workflow-based, step-by-step instructions help you build out a Transit VPC/VNet solution in minutes.

  • Monitoring The Aviatrix solution integrates with Splunk, Sumo, remote syslog, ELK and DataDog to forward events from gateways to your favorite central logging service.

  • Scalable AWS has various limits in its infrastructure, such as a route entry limit of 100. This limits how many on-prem CIDRs and VPC CIDRs can be carried on a Transit GW. The Aviatrix solution overcomes that limitation.

Does the Aviatrix Transit Network support high availability?

Yes. Aviatrix Transit Gateways operates in ActiveMesh Mode.

ActiveMesh mode is enabled by default. To learn more, see About ActiveMesh.

How do I deploy high bandwidth applications in the Aviatrix Transit solution?

Aviatrix’s High Performance Encryption solution provides 10Gbps Transit network throughput. To learn more, see High Performance Encryption Mode solution.

How do I configure a global Transit Network with the Aviatrix solution?

To configure Aviatrix Multicloud Transit Network, follow the instructions in Single-Region Multicloud Transit Network Workflow.

If you plan to deploy an AWS Transit Gateway (TGW) based transit network, follow the instructions in Aviatrix Transit Gateway Orchestrator Workflow.

If you plan to deploy an Azure transit solution that does not require to encrypt traffic between the Transit VNet and Spoke VNet, follow the instructions in Single-Region Multicloud Transit Network Workflow.

How do I build a Multi-Region Transit solution?

Inter-region transit network (see TGW Design Patterns) can be connected directly. Follow the instructions in Multi-Region Multicloud Transit Gateway Peering Workflow.

How can I fit an Egress Firewall into the Aviatrix Transit Network solution?

There are two types of requirements.

Egress Control Policies

If your compliance requires egress policies and you have currently implemented AWS NAT gateways, consider using Aviatrix FQDN Filtering (Legacy). This is the most efficient way to provide a FQDN filter for all TCP/UDP protocols.

How do I deploy a UserVPN on Aviatrix Multicloud Transit Network solution?

We recommend that you deploy UserVPN in a shared service VPC/VNet. If this shared service VPC/VNet has connectivity to all other VPC/VNets, a user can reach any instances in these VPC/VNets as long as his/her profile policy allows. To learn more, see UserVPN.

Does Aviatrix Multicloud Transit Network support Azure VNet?

You can launch a Spoke Gateway in Azure VNet. A best practice is to set up the Azure VNet the same way you usually do with AWS VPC: two types of subnets, public subnets and private subnets with respective routing tables, where the Spoke Gateway is launched in public subnet.

In Azure there is no explicit concept of public subnet. The idea here is to set up separate subnets and respective routing tables for the Aviatrix Gateway and user VMs. For convenience, we use the term "public subnet" to describe the subnet where Aviatrix Spoke gateway is launched.

Such separation of subnets and routing tables provides you with the flexibility if you plan to use Spoke gateway also for FQDN functions.

Can I automate the Aviatrix Multicloud Transit Network setup?

There are multiple resources to help you automate Aviatrix Multicloud Transit Network setup. Note that if you are building a Transit Network following the workflow, you should use Terraform.

How do I build encryption over Direct Connect?

AWS provides native solutions to add VPN capability between VGW and on-prem over Direct Connect. This improves security as data in motion is encrypted. Follow the instructions here for this capability.

We build an encryption between Aviatrix Transit GW and a VGW and between a Transit GW and a Spoke GW to provide an end-to-end encryption protection.

How do I build redundancy between VGW and on-prem?

AWS provides a few native options for redundancy between VGW and on-prem. You can build redundant active/active VPN connections, redundant active/active DX connections and DX with backup VPN connections.

Read this doc for implementation details.

Should I deploy one Transit Group for Dev and one for Prod?

If your reason for two Transit hubs is security and a smaller blast radius, you need not worry about these when using the Aviatrix solution. Just create two Network Domains in your deployment.