Managing Spoke Gateway Attachments

Use the Manage Gateway Attachment dialog to attach a Spoke Gateway to a Transit Gateway, an Egress Transit FireNet, or another Spoke Gateway.

Creating a Spoke to Transit Attachment

To attach a Spoke Gateway to a Transit Gateway:

  1. In Aviatrix CoPilot, go to Cloud Fabric > Gateways > Spoke Gateways.

  2. In the table, locate the Spoke Gateway you want to attach and click the Manage Gateway Attachment icon on the right side of its row.

  3. In the Manage Gateway Attachment dialog, click the Transit Gateway tab and then click + Attachment and provide the following information.



    Transit Gateway

    The Transit Gateway to attach to the Spoke Gateway.

    In the Advanced section, set the advanced settings that may apply.



    Customize Route Table Attachment

    Enables custom route tables when set to On.

    From the Select Route Tables dropdown menu, select the custom route table(s) to attach to this Spoke Gateway.

    Max Performance

    Creates the maximum number of High Performance Encryption (HPE) tunnels for the Transit-to-Spoke attachment when set to On. The number of tunnels that are created depends on the gateway instance sizes.

    • Max Performance option is valid only when both the Spoke and Transit Gateways are launched with HPE enabled and are in the same cloud type.

    • When the Spoke and Transit Gateways are launched in different cloud types, only one tunnel is created (even when HPE is enabled for both the Spoke and Transit Gateway).

    If Max Performance is Off, only one tunnel is created (even when HPE is enabled for both the Spoke and Transit Gateway).

    To switch between multiple tunnels or one tunnel, detach and reattach the Spoke Gateway to the Transit Gateway.

  4. To attach this Spoke Gateway to another Transit Gateway, click + Attachment again and provide the attachment details.

  5. Click Save.

Creating an Egress Transit FireNet to Spoke Attachment

You must disable SNAT on the Spoke Gateway before attaching it to an Egress Transit FireNet.

To attach a Spoke Gateway to an Egress Transit FireNet Gateway:

  1. In Aviatrix CoPilot, go to Cloud Fabric > Gateways > Spoke Gateways.

  2. In the table, locate the Spoke Gateway you want to attach and click the Manage Transit Gateway Attachment icon on the right side of its row.

  3. In the Manage Gateway Attachment dialog, click Egress Transit FireNet tab and then click +Transit Gateway Attachment.



    Transit Gateway

    The Transit Gateway to attach to the Spoke Gateway.

    In the Advanced section, set the advanced settings that may apply.



    Customize Route Table Attachment

    To enable custom route tables, set this toggle to On.

    Then, from the Select Route Tables dropdown menu, select the route table(s) to attach to this Spoke Gateway.

    Max Performance

    To create the maximum number of High Performance Encryption (HPE) tunnels for the Spoke-to-Transit attachment, set the toggle to On.

    • Max Performance option is valid when both the Spoke and Transit gateways are launched with HPE enabled and are in the same cloud type.

    • The number of tunnels that are created depends on the gateway instance sizes.

    • If Max Performance is Off, only one tunnel is created (even when HPE is enabled for both Spoke and Transit Gateway).

    • To switch between multiple tunnels or one tunnel, detach and reattach the Spoke Gateway to the Transit Gateway.

  1. Click Save.

Creating a Spoke to Spoke Attachment

To attach a Spoke Gateway to another Spoke Gateway:

  1. In Aviatrix CoPilot, go to Cloud Fabric > Gateways > Spoke Gateways.

  2. In the table, locate the Spoke Gateway you want to attach and click the Manage Transit Gateway Attachment icon on the right side of its row.

  3. In the Manage Gateway Attachment dialog, click Spoke Gateway tab and then click +Spoke Gateway Attachment.

  4. Select a Spoke Gateway from the list.

  5. Click Save.

Detaching a Spoke to Transit Attachment

To detach a Spoke Gateway from a Transit Gateway:

  1. In Aviatrix CoPilot, go to Cloud Fabric > Gateways > Spoke Gateways tab.

  2. In the table, locate the Spoke Gateway you want to detach from the Transit Gateway and click the Manage Transit Gateway Attachment icon on the right side of its row.

  3. Click the Transit Gateway tab.

  4. From the Transit Gateway dropdown menu, click x next to the Transit Gateway you want to detach.

  5. Click Save.

The Aviatrix Controller also instructs the Transit Gateway to stop advertising the Spoke VPC/VNet CIDR to VGW.

The Spoke Gateway is not deleted. You can attach the gateway to a Transit Gateway again.

Detaching a Spoke to Spoke Attachment

To detach a Spoke Gateway from another Spoke Gateway:

  1. In Aviatrix CoPilot, go to Cloud Fabric > Gateways > Spoke Gateways tab.

  2. In the table, locate the Spoke Gateway you want to detach and click the Manage Transit Gateway Attachment icon on the right side of its row.

  3. Click the Spoke Gateway tab.

  4. From the Spoke Gateway dropdown menu, click x next to the Spoke Gateway you want to detach.

  5. Click Save.