Debugging Tools in CoPilot

From CoPilot > Settings > Support > Debugging Tools page, you can create backups of your MongoDB database and test the configuration and interaction with etcd in an isolated environment, and validate the ongoing security and functionality of mutual TLS configurations.

MongoDB Dump

The MongoDB dump tool allows you to create backups of your MongoDB database. To use this tool:

  1. Navigate to CoPilot > Settings > Support > Debugging Tools page.

  2. Click MongoDB, then choose database from the drop-down box.

  3. Choose collection from the drop-down box.

  4. Click Dump. You can optionally right-click the Copy to Clipboard option for a quick backup.

Etcd Run

The Etcd Run tool enables you to run etcd in a separated environment for testing and debugging purpose. To use this tool:

  1. Navigate to CoPilot > Settings > Support > Debugging Tools page.

  2. Click etcd, then enter an etcd prefix.

  3. Click Run.

mTLS Re-Attest

The mTLS Re-Attest tool retests the Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) configurations. To perform an mTLS Re-Attest:

  1. Navigate to CoPilot > Settings > Support > Debugging Tools page.

  2. Click mTLS, then select Controller or gateways.

  3. Click Re-Attest.