Verify your Upgrade Status

After performing an upgrade, it is important to verify the upgrade status to ensure that it has been completed successfully.

Verify Controller Upgrade Status

  1. Go to your Controller upgrade window from Controller UI > Settings > Maintenance > Upgrade. Alternatively, you can go to CoPilot > UI > Settings > Maintenance > Upgrade.

  2. Check if the upgrade window displays a message indicating that the Controller upgrade has been completed successfully.

  3. Ensure that the displayed Controller version is updated to the latest version.

If the above conditions are met, it means that your Controller upgrade has been successfully completed.

Verify Gateway Upgrade Status

After you have completed upgrade, you can:

  1. Go to CoPilot UI > Gateways > Gateway Management > Upgrade Controller to check the gateway upgrade status. Alternatively, you can go to CoPilot UI > Administration > Upgrade to use the upgrade plan and upgrade groups for bulk upgrade. Please be noted that the Upgrade Plan is a Preview Feature. See Upgrade Gateways in Groups.

  2. Look for the Update Status field.

    • If the Update Status displays "complete", it indicates that the gateway upgrade has been successfully completed. Alternatively, you can check the current version on the Controller Upgrade card.

    • If the Update Status shows any other status, it means that your gateway upgrade has failed.

  3. Go to CoPilot > Cloud Fabric > Gateway Management to check the status of gateways.

    • Verify all gateways are up and the status is green.

    • Verify all tunnels are up and the status is green.