Observe Your Network Topology

When you onboard your cloud accounts to the Aviatrix Cloud Network Security Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), resources associated with the accounts are automatically recognized and available to view on Cloud Fabric > Topology > Overview.

The Overview page provides two view options, the Network View and the Geo View.

These map views plot your current network environment. They allow you to quickly isolate and identify resources that you are looking for across your environment and across clouds.

The resources you can view on Topology include AWS Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) and Azure Virtual Networks (VNets), subnets, and virtual machines (VMs). Both managed and unmanaged resources are displayed in the Topology map.

Resources are considered managed if the VPC or VNet has been onboarded, so an Aviatrix Gateway has been deployed in the VPC or VNet. All resources (subnets, VMs) within the managed VPC or VNet are therefore considered managed, as well. In Topology, managed VPCs and VNets are identified in the map as Spoke Gateways. Managed virtual machines are referred to as Gateway Virtual Machines.

A VPC or VNet is considered unmanaged if it has not been onboarded and therefore does not contain an Aviatrix Gateway. All associated resources are also considered unmanaged.

A Details pane provides specific information about each resource. A Filters pane allows you to display or hide various parts of your network. You can then save these filtered views for future use.